Hello, I'm Kayden Sloan, and my journey in Soo Bahk Do spans six fulfilling years. My initial foray into martial arts was sparked by a childhood fascination with the ninja turtles, igniting a desire to emulate their skills. Embarking on this path has been transformative, reshaping my life for the better by instilling focus, discipline, and improved physical fitness.
One aspect of Soo Bahk Do that I particularly relish is sparring during training. It's an exhilarating experience to put my techniques to the test against a real opponent, adding an element of fun and challenge to my practice.
To anyone contemplating joining or just starting their martial arts journey, my advice is not to be intimidated. Soo Bahk Do has been a cornerstone of my life, contributing significantly to both my mental and physical well-being. Embracing this discipline has proven to be one of the best decisions I've made, and I can't imagine where I'd be without it.